The Honduras Project

A Mission among the people of honduras


Almost two thirds of Hondurans live in poverty. Because poverty is a cycle perpetuated by lack of opportunity and education, The Honduras Project works with a passion to interrupt this cycle. We know that by simply providing opportunity and education, it is possible to directly influence the above statistic. We are here because this is where God has led us to serve. For almost ten years we have had the opportunity to establish and build relationships and contacts, become more fluent with the language and culture, and develop the local resources necessary to be effective in our work.


The Work

Why Honduras?

The Honduras Project works side by side with a variety of established faith-based, non-profit organizations, government entities, schools, and children’s homes. They also partner with  multiple local churches, comunities, ministries, and individuals as they seek out opportunities to serve the people of Honduras. Along side these groups they build homes for families and schools for communities. They provide assistance through donations and volunteers to both state and privately owned orphanages and children’s homes.  The Honduras Project, through their volunteers, provide the hands and feet for churches to share the gospel of Jesus, meet the needs of their members, and provide opportunity and education to their communities. They take an active role in seeking out the various government and private programs available to give assistance to those who need it and then work alongside them to   assist those efforts. While The Honduras Project will work with all of these groups in varying degrees, there are some that will form the core of the work.

Mi Esperanza - Mi Esperanza means “My Hope” and began in 2002 with a vision to provide assistance for women in the villages surrounding Tegucigalpa, Honduras. This is being accomplished through education, skill training and micro-credit loans. Women and children make up more than 75% of the 1.3 billion people living in poverty. In Honduras the numbers are even more staggering and Mi Esperanza is tackling the issues facing the women here head-on. Through this, women in Honduras are finding a new sense of hope and self empowerment. They are able  to give their families stability for generations to come. Their futures are changed forever. Click here to visit their website for more information.

IRC - The InterAmerican Restoration Corporation is committed to addressing the needs of impoverished, underpriveledged, or traumatized people, both at home and abroad. They are providing global assistance to people in need and are committed to the social regeneration of developing nations. Established as a 501C3 non-profit corporation in 2002, IRC has strategically incorporated first-world resources, business practices, and efficiency with compassion and focus. The result has been to provide necessary and needed relief directly to the people who lack life's essential conveniences.

IRC provides needed medical resources to meet the needs of people in Honduras, Haiti and Guyana. Coordinating with the governments and local organizations of these countries is paramount in providing care to the poor. Driven to satisfy the complete spectrum of the individual, IRC is dedicated to facilitating the spiritual, educational, bodily, and the community needs of the person. This drive has led to IRC direction of projects geared towards the revitalization of the whole person and the whole community. The Honduras Project will be able to provide the connection in Honduras for a more seamless effort as IRC fulfills its mission among individuals, families, and commun
ities. Click here to visit their website.

TORCH Missions - TORCH Missions is an organization that coordinates and facilitates short-term mission opportunities to Honduras, Brazil, El Salvador, and the U.S. for youth, college students, and adults emphasizing benevolence and discipleship. The Honduras Project is excited to be a part of helping TORCH expand and grow its reach in Honduras. Each year, the number of people willing to come and serve continues to grow and we are excited to be a part of that growth.

TORCH closely follows the words of Jesus in Matthew 25: 40 where he says, "...Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine you did for me." In the preceding verses Jesus spoke of feeding, clothing, caring for the sick,  providing shelter, and taking care of the needs of others. That is TORCH. Over the last decade they have helped lead thousands of student and adult volunteers in providing relief to people of Honduras in the form of the most basic necessities: food, clothing, shelter, and medical attention.

In a typical year, TORCH will build close to 100 homes and repair countless others. They have built schools, churches, and feeding centers. They distribute well over 100,000 pounds of food, thousands of articles of clothing, and hundreds of pairs of shoes each year. They will spend hundreds of hours visiting hospitals and children’s homes, and conducting medical clinics that see up to 400 patients a day. Many TORCH  teams will plan, organize, and conduct VBS events in the communities where they work that will share the stories of the Bible with literally thousands of children. The days are long, the work is exhausting, but the benefit to the communities and the volunteers is unmistakable. The experiences are life-altering for both the people of Honduras and those who come as a part of a TORCH team.

To find out how you can be a part of a TORCH trip, click here.

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